Good Clinical and Laboratory Practices

Department of Pathology has conducted two conferences in the month of July, 2024. One being “Good Clinical and Laboratory Practices” held on July 18th 2024. It is a great initiative from the state government for all the Post graduates in the investigative departments. This conference was conducted in collaboration with the departments of Microbiology, Biochemistry and Radiology. A total of —- registrations were received which included both the faculty and post graduates. To assess the effectiveness of the workshop, Pre-test and Post-test were conducted. The session lasted for a period of 9 hours from 8.30 AM to 5.30 PM starting with fundamentals and guidelines of GCLP ending with a focus on Quality management.
The workshop was officially inaugrated by our honourable Principal & Addl DME, Dr.A.Yedukondala Rao. Dr.G.Sudhakar, Professor & Head, department of Pathology who is also the Academic Vice Principal co-ordianted all the events of the workshop and also gave a comprehensive lecture on Data management. Dr.V.Aruna Kumari emphasized the importance of Safety in laboratories. The fundamentals, ICMR and Ethical guidelines were thoroughly explained by Dr.Vennela, Assistant professor, department of Pathology.
Biochemistry faculty gave an elaborative lecture on the types of Laboratory infrastructure and Logistics delivered by Dr.Ch.Venkata Ramana and Dr.B.Shobha Rani respectively. The speakers Dr.N.Padma Priya and Dr.A.Ankamma from the department of Microbiology discussed the importance of Sample management and Quality management.
The session concluded on a brief overview of demonstrations which illustrated the different tests and procedures performed in various laboratory departments. The entire programme was skillfully monitored by the observer, Dr. Chandrakala, Professor and head, department of Pharmacology who also provided a positive feedback.
The department of Pathology achieved a milestone with the successful conduct of Zonal CME on 27th July 2024. The topic was on “Clinicopathological updates of Thyroid neoplasms” emphasizing the revised classifications in cytology and histopathology. This conference was organized under the guidance of . Dr.G.Sudhakar, Professor & Head, department of Pathology who ensured a comprehensive and engaging program for all participants. This was not limited to Pathology as it included speakers discussing the thyroid neoplasms in a clinician’s perspective. A total of 250 registrations were made from all over the zone (Zone-II) comprising seven medical colleges.
The conference commenced with a comprehensive session on “Understanding of thyroid hormones in pathological lesions of thyroid” which was delivered by Dr.Bharati, Endocrinologist. This was followed by a very interactive and interesting discussion on the “Importance of Radiological findings in Thyroid lesions” by Dr.Krishna Sahith Reddy, Radiologist.
Pathology lectures started with cytology by Dr.B.Lakshmi Narayana who highlighted the recent updates in the Bethesda system, 2023. Following this presentations were given covering 2022 WHO Updates of Benign thyroid lesions, Low risk malignancies and Malignant neoplasms of thyroid by speakers Dr.V.Srinivas Kumar, Dr.C.Nalinimohan and Dr.M.Vijaya Sree. The latter also being the Zonal co-ordiantor for the conference.
Comprehensive presentations offering their unique perspectives on cutting-edge surgical techniques and radiation therapy modalities for cancer management were also given by a prominent oncosurgeon Dr. Kishan and a highly respected Radiation Oncologist, Dr.A.Yedukondala Rao. A brief discussion on use of “Artifical Intelligence in Pathology” sparked a lively Q&A session with numerous questions from the participants.
The session concluded with an engaging quiz, testing the participant’s knowledge and understanding of the new concepts. The entire programme was honored by the presence of Dr. N. Padma Priya, Professor and Head of the Department of Microbiology, who attended as an observer. Her valuable feedback and suggestions were highly appreciated, and will undoubtedly enhance the quality of future sessions.
The event proved to be an exceptional CME opportunity for postgraduate students from diverse departments, offering a rich learning experience and valuable insights into the latest developments in thyroid cancer and its management.