Department of Pharmacology
Pharmacology is the scientific study of the effects of drugs and chemicals on living organisms.
The Department of Pharmacology since its inception is an integral part of the college and Hospital with deep commitment to undergraduate, postgraduate education and pharmacological research. The department has excellent research and teaching facilities, dedicated to train researchers of the highest caliber guided by an excellent team of faculty comprising of qualified academicians to provide a strong foundation in the basic sciences. For students who face challenges in preparing complex academic projects or research papers, seeking the assistance of a ghostwriter can provide valuable support in meeting high academic standards. The research of the Department has been consistently high, with several National and International recognitions.
PG Course started in 2019 with 4 seats.
There is adequate Laboratory space for the following laboratories:
- Experimental Pharmacology Laboratory
- Clinical Pharmacology & Clinical Pharmacy
- PG Research Laboratory
- Pharmacology museum
- Departmental Library
- Demonstration Rooms
- Preparation rooms with attached to two laboratories

P.G. Research Laboratory has the following equipments:
- Research Kymograph with accessories
- Animal operating table
- Monopan balances
- Electronic animal weighing balance
- Single and double “All Glass” distilled water apparatus
- Instruments for doing small / large animal experiments
Neuropharmacology P.G. Research Lab – Equipped for:
- Pole Climbing
- Techno active response apparatus
- Analgesiometer
- Hot plate
- Radiate heat
- Rota Rod Apparatus
The equipments are adequate for doing primary screening of drugs. The undergraduate students are also exposed to the use of these equipments.
Sl. No. | Name of the Faculty | Designation | Qualification | APMC Registration Number |
1 | Kambar Chandrakala | Professor | M.D. | 42193 |
2 | Choppara Jhansi Vani | Associate Professor | M.D. | 12633 |
3 | Sanke Supriya | Assistant Professor | M.D. | 93208 |
4 | Krishna Kanth K | Assistant Professor | M.D. | APMC/64290 |
5 | Thulasi Gokul | Assistant Professor | M.D. | APMC/FMR/109446 |
6 | Tadikonda Venkata Naresh | Assistant Professor | M.D. | APMC/FMR/79683 |

Published Research Projects:
Dr. K. Chandrakala Professor and HoD
Dr.CH.JhansiVani Associate Professor:
Dr. Supriya Assistant Professor:
Dr. K Krishnakanth Assistant Professor:
Dr.ThulasiGokul Assistant Professor:
Dr.TV Naresh Assistant Professor:
Dr. K. Chandrakala Professor and HoD
- Subhashini PK, Sankar K, Kambar C, Venkataramana V. Comparative study of efficacy and safety of topical active fragment of basic fibroblast growth factor (B FGF) 0.1% solution V/S betamethasonevalerate 0.1% ointment in the treatment of vitiligo patients. J Dental and Med Sci. 2015;14(6):41-7
- Indirakumari N, Vinutha S, Kambar C. study of lipid profile in diabetes mellitus patients who were on Glibenclamide and Glimeperide. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS). 2015;14(1):13-22.
- Kiranmayi B, Lakshmi AN, Tagore R, Kambar C. Evaluation of cardiac markers in chronic renal failure. IOSR J Dent Med Sci. 2015 Jan;14:46-52.
- Kambar C, Zahedabano MA, Meenakumari A. Comparative study of efficacy and safety of Iron polymaltose complex with ferrous sulphate in antenatal women with moderate anemia. IOSR J. Dental and Medical Sciences. 2013 Jul;9(1):9-13.
- Vampugalla PS, Vundi VR, Perumallapalli KS, Kumar CV, Kambar C, Mahalakshmi PM, Pisipati RS. A comparative study of intrathecalropivacaine with fentanyl and L-bupivacaine with fentanyl in lower abdominal and lower limb surgeries. Int J Basic ClinPharmacol. 2015 Nov 1;4(6):1147-55.
- Devisetty A, Kambar C, Hanumanth N. Study of effect of serum calcium levels on autonomic nervous system in pre-menstrual syndrome. IOSR-JDMS. 2005;14(3):50-.
- Desai S, Kurli S, Kambar C, Chavala S. Incidence of Atazanavir Induced Hyperbilirubinemia Among HIV/AIDS Patients Taking Second Line ART Drugs. J Basic ApplSci Res. 2014;4(1):173-8.
- Valathuru, Vijayalakshmiand Kambar, Chandrakala and Kurli, Sankar and Pisipati, Rajasulochana and Desai, Savitri (2014) Ocular Manifestations in HIV/AIDS- Prevalence in South India. Ophthalmology Research: An International Journal, 2 (3). pp. 165-176. ISSN 23217227
- Aruna D, Kambar C. Chowdeswari, Study of serum calcium and magnesium levels during pre and post menstrual phases in pre menstrual syndrome compared to normal subjects. International Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Sciences ISSN. 2014:2277-103.
- Swarup VP, Subhashini PK, Rao AJ, Kambar C. Comparison of the effect of adding dexmedetomidine and magnesium sulphate to hyperbaric bupivacaine in lower abdominal and lower limb surgeries. IOSR J Dental Med Sci. 2018;17:1-7.
- Ch J, Kambar C, Kurli S. Comparative study of efficacy and adverse effects profile of telmisartanvsenalaprilmaleate in patients of essential hypertension and diabetic hypertensives. Int J Basic ClinPharmacol 2014;3:194-200.
- Swaroop VP, Subhashini PK, Nuthangi R, Kambar C, Ramana VV, Rajasulochana P. Day care anaesthesia with Ketamine v/s Fentanyl a comparative study-in short surgical procedures
- Goparaju S, Lella M, Kambar C, Kurli S. Pattern of adverse drug reactions to commonly prescribed antibiotics in a tertiary care hospital. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2024 Jan 2;14(01).
- Javvadi J, Syed MB, Kambar C, Lella M, Kurli S. A cross-sectional study to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice of cosmetic use among 2nd-year medical undergraduate students in a tertiary care hospital. Natl J PhysiolPharmPharmacol. (2023),; 13(11): 2248-2253. doi:10.5455/njppp.2023.13.09441202326092023
- N SC, Lella M, Gujjarlamudi HB, Kambar C, Kurli S. Drug utilization pattern among patients of chronic renal failure on maintenance hemodialysis in a tertiary care teaching hospital. Natl J PhysiolPharmPharmacol. (2023),; 13(9): 1837-1843. doi:10.5455/njppp.2023.13.01041202313022023
- Yedlapalli M, Kiran SP, Potti S, A. D, Kambar C. A study on disease burden and treatment among patients attending teleconsultation during lockdown period. Int J Basic ClinPharmacol. 2021 Mar. 22 ;10(4):434-41.
- ChandrakalaKambarMounikaYedlapalli, SaiPasupulaKiran, SravaniPotti, Devikala A A study on disease burden and treatment among patients attending teleconsultation during lockdown period International Journal Of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology 10 (4), 434-441
- Vundi VR, Pudutha M, Kambar C. A study of efficacy and safety of intravenous iron sucrose for the treatment of moderate anaemia in antenatal women in South India. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology. 2017 Jul 1;6(7):1655-61.
- CKHN ArunaDevisetty,RajasulochanaPisipatistudy of effect of autonomic nervous system on premenstrual syndromeInternational Journal of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 4 (06), 049-052
- HN ArunaDevisetty , ChandrakalaKambarStudy Of Correlation Of Serum Magnesium Levels With Autonomic Nervous System In Premenstrual Syndrome
International Journal of Medical science and Clinical invention 2 (3), 794-801
- BezawadaSrinivasaRao Dr. GurindapalliJyothiSwarnaLayaLatha , Dr. MattaSreevani , Dr. Chandrakala A study of the Association of Metabolic Syndrome to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences 13 (8), 01-06
- DPR Dr.V.V.Padmavathi, Dr ChandrakalaKambar, Dr.Zahedabano,Dr.SankaComparative study of Rosuvastatin with Atorvastatin in Ischaemic heart disease patientsr…IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences 13 (3), 23-29
- Pisipati, R., Kurli, S. and Kambar, C., Comparitive Study of Prevalence of Hyperlactatemia in HIV/AIDS Patients receiving two Antiretroviral Regimens (AZT+ 3TC+ NVP Vs d4T+ 3TC+ NVP).
- Pudutha M, Pisipati R, Kambar C, Vundi V. International Journal of Research in Pharmacology &Pharmacotherapeutics.
- Velisetty VP, Rajasulochana P, Prapanna V, Kala KC. Preclinical & Pharmaceutical Research
Dr.CH.JhansiVani Associate Professor:
- Jhansi Vani, Harinika G, Sankar K. A comparative study between efficacy and safety of telmisartan (ARB) and enlapril (ACEI) in hypertensive patients. Int. J. of Res. in Pharmacology &Pharmacotherapeutics . 2021Apr.2;8(2):142-7.
- VidhyaLakshmiSenthilnathan, Dr. HimaBinduGujjarlamudi, Dr. Jhansi VaniChoppra, Dr. Solomon RajuKankipati “A Study on Polytherapy& Drug interactions in Geriatric patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital,’’ IJMSAR – March – 2022, Vol. – 5, Issue – 2, P. No. 35-43.
- Ch J, Kambar C, Kurli S. Comparative study of efficacy and adverse effects profile of telmisartanvsenalaprilmaleate in patients of essential hypertension and diabetic hypertensives. Int J Basic ClinPharmacol [Internet]. 2017 Jan. 23 [cited 2024 Aug. 10];3(1):194-200. Available from:
- MeenaKumariAmancharla , Jhansi VaniChoppara, Raj kumarKeelu , PunithaKommavarapu& Vishnu vardhanKotannagari. Study of Awareness of Pharmacovigilance among Health Care Professionals &Medical Students attached to a Tertiary Care Hospital in Andhra Pradesh, India.IJCMAAS-2015, Vol-05, Issue-02 pageno-63-67
- Rachamanti, D.R., Sanke, D.S., Vani, D.C.J., Dupaguntla, D.R., 2023. Cost Variation Analysis of Corticosteroids Available in India: An Observational Study 14..
- M. UshaRani1 , Dr. Ch. Jhansivani Comparative Study of Efficacy of Ciprofloxacin and Ceftriaxone in Typhoid Fever. JMSCR-2015, Vol-03, Issue-02
Dr. Supriya Assistant Professor:
- SupriyaSanke, etal. “Relation of Examination Performance and Class Attendance of MBBS Students in Pharmacology – A Retrospective Study”. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), 19(2), 2020, pp. 15-18.
- Supriya Sanke1 ,Chitra Karuppiah2 , HemaSundarRao Dumpala3 , Sai Vishnu Vardhan Allu4 , SyamalaShanthiKumari Bonela5 A Prospective Comparative Study of Efficacy and Pleiotropic Effect of Telmisartan versus Enalapril in Hypertensive Patients with Dyslipidaemia in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Visakhapatnam JEBMH, 2021, Vol-8, Issue- 23, 1915-21
- RamyaRachamanti, Dr. SupriyaSanke, Dr.SolomonRajuAbuse of topical corticosteroids:An observational study in a tertiary care teaching Hospital,Andhra Pradesh, India. EJMCM- 2022 Vol.9 , Issue:9 163-9173
Dr. K Krishnakanth Assistant Professor:
- RS, K. K, Alla J. Drug utilization pattern of antimicrobials in OPD of ENT in teaching hospital. Int J Basic ClinPharmacol [Internet]. 2019 Aug.;8(9):1994-8
- Kanna RS, Alla J, K. K. Knowledge of medical students on clinical trials. Int J Basic ClinPharmacol [Internet]. 2019 Jun. 24;8(7):1484-8
- Krishnakanth K, Jagadeesh A, Swetha TD. Evaluation of Adverse Drug Reactions of Anti-Tubercular drugs in the treatment of tuberculosis in tertiary care hospital.IntJBasicClinPharmacol 2020;9:1430-3.
- Krishnakanth K, ChakrapaniCheekavolu, Kumar P, Ravi Shankar K, Jagadeesh A. Prescription Patterns of Antituberculosis Drugs in Treatment of Tuberculosis at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Andhra Pradesh, a Cross-Sectional Study. Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy Research. 2020 Oct 4;5(2).
- Kumar, P., K., K., &Alla, J. (2020). Effect of Aeglemarmelosmethanolic extracts of leaf and fruit pulp on learning and memory in albino rats. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 9(3), 403–407.
Dr.ThulasiGokul Assistant Professor:
- Konda V. C. R, Gokul T, Poojitha M, Rao K. U. Adverse Events Following Immunization to Covid-19 Vaccines in A Tertiary Care Hospital – A Descriptive Study. Biomed Pharmacol J 2021;14(4)
- Anitha E, Neevedha K, Isswariya A, Gokul T, Vivekkumar SP. Synergistic effects of methotrexate and piperine on human osteosarcoma cell lines–An in-vitro study. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2023;13(5):909-13.
- Anandan I, Gokul T, Neevedha K, Elango A, Vivekkumar P. A study on concurring effect of paclitaxel and thymoquinone on MCF-7 cell line–In vitro. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2023 Oct 3;14(5):0-.
- Gokul T, Datchinamoorthy A, Nagireddy UM, Vani J. Efficacy of 4% articaine with 1: 100000 epinephrine versus 2% lignocaine with 1: 100000 epinephrine in infiltration for extraction of maxillary premolars for orthodontic correction–A prospective, randomized, double-blind, crossover study. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2024 Apr 29;14(10):0-.
- Neevedha K, Anitha E, Gokul T, Priestlyvivekkumar S. Comparison Of Anticancer Activity Between Thymoquinone And Tamoxifen, Thymoquinone+ Tamoxifen On Mcf-7 Cell Line Of Human Breast Cancer–An Invitro Study. Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal. 2024 Jun 3;17(2).
Dr.TV Naresh Assistant Professor:
- AnushaNali ,TadikondaVenkataNaresh , R. Keerthi , UshakiranPrayaga. A Randomized Double-Blind Prospective Comparative Study on the Efficacy and Safety of Topical Nadifloxacin and Benzoyl Peroxide versus Clindamycin and Benzoyl Peroxide in Patients with Mild to Moderate Acne Vulgaris. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2024;16(6):2013–20.
Completed Research Projects:
- A comparative study of safety and efficacy of 2% topical ketaconozole versus 1% topical clotrimazole in treatment of tinea versicolor in a tertiary care centre, ongole
- A Case Report of Protease inhibitor induced Avascular Necrosis of Bilateral Femoral heads in an HIV Infected Patient
- Prescription Pattern of Antibiotics in Pediatric ward of a Tertiary care centre, Ongole – A Retrospective study
- Knowledge, attitude and practice towards pharmacovigilance in health care professionals at a tertiary care centre, ongole
- A study on the evaluation of drug package inserts: a prospective observational study
- A Comparative Study of Olanzapine Versus Quetiapine in Incidence of Metabolic Syndrome in Patients with Schizophrenia
- Awareness of Haemovigilance among House Surgeons in Tertiary Care Centre, Ongole
- Drug Utilization Study in Medical Emergency Unit of a Tertiary Care Centre, Ongole
- Study of safety and efficacy of bedaquiline containing Regimen in the treatment of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis patients in teritiary care center, ongole
- A study on pattern of usage of self-medication among the undergraduate students in a teaching hospital, ongole
- Study of Drug Utilization Pattern for Skin Diseases in Dermatology OPD Tertiary Care Hospital
- Evaluating the efficacy and safety of deferasirox in management of iron overload in transfusion-dependent beta-thalassemia pediatric patients
- A comparative study of safety and efficacy of aspirin-clopidogrel combination versus aspirin-ticagrelor combination in the prevention of recurrent attack in post-myocardial infarction patients
- A study on prescription audit in general medicine outpatient department at tertiary care teaching hospital
- Olanzapine induced stevens-johnson syndrome/toxic Epidermal necrolysis: a case report
- Knowledge, Attitude and Practice about contraceptive methods among Medical Interns working in a Tertiary Care Centre – A questionnaire based Cross-sectional study
- Knowledge attitude and practice towards materiovigilance among health care professionals at a tertiary care centre, ongole
Ongoing Research Projects:
- An assessment using Hill Bone Scales (HB- HBP), (HBMAS) for Medication Adherence in Hypertension and Diabetes Patients: A Prospective Study in Government General Hospital, Ongole.
- Role of Artificial Intelligence (chatgpt) versus Traditional browser in Medical Education and patient management – A cross-sectional study
- Efficacy and safety analysis of Itopride Vs Bisacodyl in Chronic Constipation Cases at tertiary care Hospital in Prakasam District: A Prospective, randomized study
- A randomized prospective comparative study to assess safety and efficacy of methylcobalaminvs acetyl-l-carnitine in patients with diabetic neuropathy.
- Drug Utilization pattern of antipsychotic drugs prescribed in the Psychiatry Out Patient Department in a tertiary care teaching hospital– A Comparative cross sectional Observational Study
- Comparison of effect of Computer Assisted Learning versus Traditional learning in Experimental Pharmacology practical on 2nd MBBS undergraduate students